NHS Wales 111 – Press 2 Service

The service was launched in the CwmTaf Morgannwg Health Authorityon 4th April 2023, to assist people with newly presenting Mental Health issues, who are unsure where to seek help. At present, many services are referral only during office hours, with waiting times increasing. The aim is to provide smooth pathways to services and encourage residents to access these services as early as possible before crisis.
The 111 Press 2 service:
· Will provide information on self-care – where appropriate.
· Will not turn any caller away.
· Will support individuals with access to services.
· Has call handlers who are expert in triage and will have knowledge of local services.
· Will allow for meaningful conversations, focussing on individual’s needs.
· Will reduce the number of touchpoints for callers, so that they will not need to repeat their circumstances several times.
The service was launched on June 15th, when all Health Boards in Wales began operating this service.