New Cohorts in Carmarthen

On the 28th of June, Rhiannon began another cohort of individuals joining the Working on Wellbeing ‘Starting Line’ service. In total, there are eleven starters, which is a great outcome for Carmarthen, as people come far and wide from rural areas to attend the course.
In the first session, the tone is relaxed and welcoming. It is a fantastic introduction to Starting Line as everybody gets to know each other, as starting a new venture, whether that is employment or a course, can be nerve wracking.
By the end, customers were smiling and engaging with the content provided and getting involved in the ‘icebreaker’ session. Rhiannon did a game of this or that, in which customers choose between things like ‘ice cream or lollies’ or ‘a sunny beach holiday or a picturesque, mountain escape’!
One of the main topics of conversations during this first session was past experiences. Members of the group shared about how rejection has made them feel, in which a mature customer encouraged a younger customer that trying again, no matter how hard it may be, will be worth it in the end.
Next week, Jenny Hanson will be taking over from Rhiannon as she immerses herself into Starting Line delivery. Rhiannon will be on hand to provide support for the next coming weeks whilst Jenny acclimatises, and the customers can’t wait to have double the support!
Are you interested in Starting Line? Sign up here: