Scope & Working on Wellbeing

Our Partners Scope are delivering their next online group programme starting on Tuesday 5 September on Microsoft Teams.
To apply please complete the application form on the Scope website. Applications can be made by the individual or, if you have verbal consent, you can complete it on their behalf.
Working on Wellbeing is an free, employment service delivered by Scope and Legacy in the Community
Our 7 week pre-employment group sessions support disabled people in those early stages on their employment journey. We help build confidence and core employment skills before starting their job search. It includes two group sessions, on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, and a one to one each week.
Working on Wellbeing online groups are open to people who are:
- disabled – including physical or sensory impairments, learning difficulties, autism or mental health conditions.
- aged 16 and over
- Unemployed
- Living in Wales
Call 020 7619 7139 or email if you would like to speak to a member of the team.