Inaugural 3rd Sector Regional CTM Mental Health Forum @ the Gilfach Goch Community Association

Tuesday 13th June 2023, at the Gilfach Goch Community Association, saw the inaugural meeting of the Third Sector Regional CwmTaf Morgannwg (CTM) Mental Health Forum.
Janet Whiteman, Chair of the forum, welcomed over 30 members to the meeting, who represent an array of organisations, whose aim is to develop and support partnership working and improve Mental Health Wellbeing provision within our communities.

A number of presentations were given during the meeting including one on the new ‘111 Press 2 Mental Health’ service. This service was launched in CTM on 4th April 2023, to assist people with newly presenting Mental Health issues, who are unsure where to seek help. The aim of this provision is to provide smooth pathways to services and encourage residents to access these services as early as possible before crisis.

The meeting provided excellent networking opportunities and discussions around current Third Sector Mental Health Wellbeing support and provisions that exists within our communities.
Gareth Marshall from Legacy in the Community has a key involvement with this Forum, in his role as the Vice-Chair of the Forum.
The next Forum meeting is scheduled for early September.